

Jag heter Erik Nylander och jobbar som Docent i utbildningsvetenskap vid Linköpings Universitet.

I min forskning intresserar jag mig för samspelet mellan utbildning, socialt ursprung och arbetsmarknad. 
Ambitionen med bloggen är att skriva korta populärvetenskapliga sammanfattningar av forskning, och att man på publikationer ska hitta fullständiga referenser. Tyvärr har jag  inte hunnit uppdatera sidan så ofta.

Erik Nylander’s research interest concerns the relationship between social origins, education and work. In his PhD thesis, prestigious prep schools in jazz was taken as the site of both ethnographic and statistical inquiries of the processes of selection and artistic valuation. Among his recent publications, ”Mastering the jazz standard” appeared in American Journal of Cultural Sociology (2014) and sparked a continuing debate. Currently Nylander is Assistant professor at Linköping University, where he amongst other things works on a project about the educational trajectories of politicians.

For a old list of publications, please visit the ”publikationer” page or google scholar.

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